Thursday, 14 October 2010

4 Silk Uzbeck Ikat Panels

1.Uzbeck Silk Ikat Panel. 116 x 187 Cm. Price:please ask

2.Uzbeck Silk Ikat panel. 140 x 125 Cm. Price : please ask

3. Uzbeck Silk Ikat panel. 116 x 187 Cm. Price :please ask

4.Uzbeck Ikat Panel
                                                                                         Size : 90 x 123 Cm
                                                                                        Price : please ask .

Uzbeck Susani with Prayer Mihrab

Uzbeck Susani w. Prayer Mihrab. Size : 95 x 110 Cm

Prize : Pleaae ask

Matching Pair of Uzbeck Silk Ikat Craddle covers

Couple of  19th C.Central Asian Craddle covers. Both with a hole for the stick. Very Good condition & Radiant Colors.

Price : Please ask